febrero 2013

Mobile World Congress 2013

Del 25 al 28 de Febrer, Barcelona torna a acollir per vuitè any consecutiu el Mobile World Congress. Aquest any inaugura seu al recinte Gran Via de Fira de Barcelona. Stereo Rent ha instal·lat audiovisuals a les múltiples reunions que han tingut lloc a diferents...

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27 Feb

Mobile World Congress 2013

"From the 25th to the 28th of February, Barcelona is hosting the Mobile World Congress for eight years in a row. This year it opens in a new venue, the Fira Gran Via site. Stereo Rent has supplied the audiovisuals for several meetings that have taken...

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27 Feb

Mobile World Congress 2013

Del 25 al 28 de febrero, Barcelona vuelve a acoger por octavo año consecutivo el Mobile World Congress. Este año inaugura sede en el recinto Gran Via de Fira de Barcelona. Stereo Rent ha instalado audiovisuales en múltiples reuniones que han tenido lugar en distintos...

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27 Feb

Video Mapping a Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Madrid

Una vegada més, gràcies als nostres amics de IMPROBABLE FILMS hem gaudit d’aquest excepcional treball per al dissenyador de joies ARISTOCRAZY a la passarel·la Mercedes-Benz Fasiona Week Madrid 2013 aportant l’equip de vídeo amb 3 projectors CHRISTIE ROADSTER 20K amb sistema de control WATCHOUT. Aristocrazy...

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21 Feb

Video Mapping at Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Madrid

Once again, thanks to our friends from IMPROBABLE FILMS, we have enjoyed the exceptional work for the jewelry designer ARISTOCRAZY on the Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Madrid 2013 catwalk providing video equipment with 3 20 K CHRISTIE ROADSTER projectors with WATCHOUT control system. Aristocrazy Fashion Show...

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21 Feb

Video Mapping en Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Madrid

Una vez más gracias a nuestros amigos de IMPROBABLE FILMS hemos disfrutado de este excepcional trabajo para el diseñador de joyas ARISTOCRAZY en la pasarela Mercedes Benz Fashion Week Madrid 2013 aportando el equipo de vídeo con 3 proyectores CHRISTIE ROADSTER 20K con sistema de...

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21 Feb

2013 AULA: International Educational Opportunites Exhibition

Stereo Rent has supplied 70 modules of 16 mm resolution ACTIVELED curtain for the Comillas University stand at the International Educational Opportunities Exhibition. Our edition department has created a composition with animated background overlaying it with different words in order to convey the desired message....

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19 Feb